


Parties at Troy Movie House

Reserve an auditorium for a private group for $150

Following are the reservation options: 

1.   Movie Viewing Rental 1 movie of your choice. 

2.   Private Gathering Rental up to 2 hours. 

3.   Gaming System Rental for guests to bring in their own next generation system to hook into our projector for a 2-hour gaming event.  With a gaming event, Wi-Fi is not provided and would be set up for internal gaming from your discs/cartridges. With those gaming options, guests would need to bring in their console, cords, and wireless controllers. 

Please provide the following information: 


·  START TIME you will have access to the theater 30 minutes prior to the start of     the movie.

·  MOVIE we have several to choose from.


·  CONCESSIONS will be available for purchase.  NO outside food or drinks             permitted except for parties see below.

·  BIRTHDAY OR OTHER PARTIES you may bring birthday cake and gifts.  NO       other outside food or drinks permitted.

Contact me at troymoviehouse4@gmail.com


on the email me the movie listings page.